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What the World Needs Now

Kassia Kilgore


In this time...unlike any other time citizens of the United States are a nation divided by our differences.  We have transitioned from one administration to the next in a way that Americans have never seen.  All the while we are living under the confinements of a pandemic which affects our simple freedom to meet with one another.  I hope we can all agree that what our country and the world needs now is...

Please enjoy watching this musical art presentation to the Jackie DeShannon song "What the World Needs Now is Love" featuring several Gallery 1870 art pieces by a variety of Gallery 1870 top selling artists including Pete Tillack, Eric Christensen, Patrick O'Rourke, Gail Chandler, Mikki Senkarik, Robert Bissell, Isabelle Dupuy, Chris DeRubeis, Leon Roulette, Jennifer Vranes, and more.

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