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Textures of Life Artist Jennifer Vranes painting live at Gallery 1870 - Friday October 27th and Saturday October 28th

Kassia Kilgore

Renowned "Textures of Life" artist Jennifer Vranes will be painting live at Gallery 1870 on Friday, October 27th and Saturday, October 28th from 11:00 - 5:00 PM.  Come see a collection of new works by Jennifer Vranes and see how the artist creates sculptures on canvas.

Jennifer Vranes Painting live at Gallery 1870Jennifer Vranes Show

Jennifer Vranes paintings overtake the senses of the viewer.  Her three dimensional sculpted art pieces allow the viewer to feel the rough groves of the bark, to hear the fallen leaves crunching under their feet and to smell the crisp fall air that an Aspen forest provides.

About the Artist: Jennifer Vranes

Textures of life artist Jennifer Vranes was inspired by the bas-relief sculptures of the ancient Romans and developed a technique that involves painting with extreme textures. Unlike oridinary palette knife painting, Vranes loads on the texture just where nature intended. The sky and distant mountains, for instance remain flat and the smooth contrasting dramatically with the highly textured fields bushes and trees in the foreground.  This juxtaposition of texture vesus smooth in just the right places giver her paintings their distinct and unmistakeable 3-dimensional quality.  Vranes literally sculpts on the thick texutre with many large palette knifes.  The trunks of the Aspens actually fell like bark to the touch, and the petals of the wild poppies can almost be picked.

This unique painting styl gives the work of Jennifer Vranes a very tactile and organic quality.

Jennifer Vranes is best known for her large vibrant paintings of Aspen Forests and European Landscapes.  the art industry's leading magazine - Art Business News - spoltlighted Vranes in the article "Time Honored Appeal" as one of the world's top selling landscape artists.  Art Business News later putlichsed a special edition on "Today's Top Artists", and included an editorial making Vranes as "America's Artist to Watch".

Vranes unique paintings continue to gain attention on an internation level.  Her artwork was recently secured by the U.S. State Department to be placed in the "Art in Embassies" collection in Bamako Mali.  This exclusive program is a vital form of cultural diplomacy for United States Embassies and State Department curators selected the paintings of Jennifer Vranes to represent the talent of the United States of America to dignitaries of all countries.

Vranes studied oil painting at Brigham Young Univeristy, graduating with a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree.  An avid traveler, Vranes finds inspiration from the beautiful places she has seen around the world.

When asked about her successful art career, Vranes say simply, "I paint to bring joy to the lives and homes of others.  In a world of growing uncertainty, I want my paintings to provide the viewer a momentary escape from reality.  My landscapes carry that magic!"

Shop Jennifer Vranes Originals
Shop Jennifer Vranes artist enahanced limited edition prints

See you at the Show!

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