One of the most loveable things in our gallery are the series of whimsical mouse paintings by wine country artist Patrick O'Rourke.
Let the Shenanigans Begin!
Patrick O'Rourke's MOUSETERPIECES come to life at Gallery 1870 after dark!
As soon as the gallery closes, our mischievous mice go "OFF THE CLOCK" by getting the night watch too tipsy to care!
This only leads to more shenanigans... starting with a romantic "DATE NIGHT!"
But unfortunately, when one mouse cuts the cheese and the romantic moment is interrupted, it may be too late to suggest... "SHOULD I LIGHT A MATCH?"
Before the guilty cheese cutter could light a match, "DATE NIGHT" was replaced by a 'GIRLS NIGHT OUT' with wine, sweets, and a chick flick!
Disappointed, the guilty mouse plops in his recliner with a beer and a wedge of cheese to watch Mouse Hunt but overhears his gal say to her best mice friend "I DRINK TILL HE'S CUTE"
Thus, sending the lonely cheese cutter off to his mouse cave to escape the shenanigans and to finish his next 'MOUSETERPIECE'